
[VIDEO Q&A] How to Navigate COVID-19 as a CEO - Interview with Adrien Nussenbaum

Julie Delazyn - April 6, 2020

The global pandemic has turned lives upside down and continues to affect the entire world. That’s a fact. It’s affected us all in different ways.

For Adrien Nussenbaum, Franco-Bostonian and CO-CEO of Mirakl, it’s been a chance to take a moment to stop, connect with his teams and support customers who have been working overtime to get their customers everything they need when they need it.

'What's agility? a pragmatic approach, no ego and an open mind'

We’re living through a moment that’s testing us all; and it’s been particularly tremendous to see how our people have stepped up to take on the challenges brought forward by this pandemic; how we’ve been able to construct, in less than 48 hours, the pro-bono platform to help the men and women on the front lines get the gels, masks and gloves they need to fight against the virus. I also couldn't be more proud of our customers, who had the foresight to platform their business and are working very hard to strengthen their relationships with their customers through this difficult time.

In this video, Adrien talks about, the power of agility to pivot and optimize in times of great change, and how cooking through COVID can help escape the monotony of life in confinement.

It was insightful to hear from Adrien, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Julie Delazyn,
Julie has worked in communications and marketing with tech companies and big corporations for the past 10 years. As a former NYTimes journalist in Paris, she is a passionate advocate of storytelling.

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